Llanelli Choral Society get ready for Elijah

Great voices and artists are gathering for a grand performance of one of the world’s leading oratorios when the Llanelli Choral Society stage a grand performance of Mendelssohn’s Elijah.
Under the direction of conductor John Hywel Williams MBE, the 90-voice Llanelli Choral Society and Celtic Orchestral Ensemble will be joined by Gary Griffiths (bass), John Emanuela Barazia (mezzo soprano), John Pierce (tenor) and Adele O’Neill (soprano), Jean Hywel (pianist) and Huw Tregelles Williams (organ).
“It is such an excitement to perform this masterpiece work of Mendelssohn”, explains John Hywel Williams. “Its melodrama, easy appeal and stirring choruses have made this great work so popular with choruses, artists and audiences alike.”
The performance will mark a celebration year for the Llanelli Choral Society as it celebrates its 15th anniversary year.
Founder, John Hywel, reflects back over the last 15 years. “The choir remains true today to its founding vision”, explains John Hywel. “The vision was to build a musical community from the community for the community and the opportunity to participate to be open to all.”
Since then, the society has enjoyed giving exciting performances of great choral works which include Verdi’s Requiem, Jenkins’ Armed Man, Handel’s Messiah, Bruckner’s Mass, Britten’s Saint Nicolas, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Haydn’s Creation to name but a few.
To celebrate its 15th year, the choir will perform Mendelssohn’s great oratorio, Elijah to local audiences in March, join the Hywel Girls Choir and Boy Singers at the 2012 Llanelli Proms and perform at Swansea’s Brangywn Hall in June. A programme of social activities will accompany the performances with a Party Night in January and an Anniversary Ball in October.
The performance of Elijah will be staged at Llanelli’s grand Tabernacle Chapel at 7.30pm on Friday 9th March. Tickets £10 available from Cadno Music (01554 771772), Darryll Adams (01554 752283) or info@llanellichoralsociety.com.


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