The latest Aberglasney column from the Carmarthen Journal

Aberglasney head gardener Joseph Atkin’s monthly Carmarthen Journal column on gardening - 
January is a time when flowers can often be in very short supply. Indeed, last year, they were covered in snow.
The snowdrops give a welcome treat in these colder times but shrubs can also give good value for January and February.
There are plenty of evergreen shrubs for the winter months, but what about deciduous plants?
One of the benefits of deciduous plants is the variety that is available and the autumn colour they produce.
There are many different types that flower in early spring before the leaves have emerged. Many of them have small flowers but are often fragrant as well. They work well in a winter garden as they add variety to the more common evergreens that are also very good.
One of the earliest and most spectacular plants to do this is the Witch Hazels which started in December this year and finished in March last year.
Any plant that gives you interest for this period and a burst of autumn colour is worth a place in the garden.
There is also a much bigger variety around today with shades of yellow through to orange and red which really stand out in the poor winter light.
The stems are clothed in many small spidery flowers which on their own are insignificant but in groups really stand out.
There is the bonus of them being fragrant and it takes very hard frosts to damage the flowers, unlike Magnolia for instance.
So where do you grow these plants in the garden?
Well they prefer open sunny spots with a little shelter. Some people say they are woodland plants which I do not think is entirely correct as they can get leggy in deep shade.
The best I have seen are in open conditions usually south or west facing. Acid to neutral soils are best and they enjoy being mulched by 50mm of well rotted compost or composted chip/shred.
They prefer lighter soils but have done fine on Aberglasney’s heavy soil in areas that are fairly well drained. The addition of mulch helps a great deal.
They are very hardy when mature young plants need frost protection At Aberglasney, we avoid this by planting larger mature plants. These are more expensive but once you have an established plant they will last for many years.
I have seen some that are 50years old providing good value for money in the long term. Another benefit is that they can be pruned to reduce size by removing unwanted branches back to thicker stems after flowering. One of the benefits of Witch Hazels is that they don’t need any pruning if given enough space, other than removing suckers.
The Latin name for Witch Hazel is Hamamelis and there are plenty of types to choose from, regarding colour and flowering time. Hamemalis × intermedia ‘Diane’ has the award for garden merit or AGM.
It is the finest red flowered Witch Hazel with a long flowering period throughout midwinter and is lightly scented. Its height is 2.5m (8ft) and a spread of 3m (10ft).
Hamemalis × intermedia ‘Jelena’ also has the award of garden merit. It has unscented coppery orange flowers appearing in early to mid-winter. Its height is 4m (13ft) and its spread of 4m (13ft).
Hamemalis mollis ‘Wisley Supreme’ flowers in January, it has a good scent and bright yellow flowers its height is 3m (10ft) and its spread 3m (10ft).
Alternatively Hamemalis virginiana bears yellow, scented flowers in mid-late autumn, rather than in winter. Its height is 4m (13ft) and its spread 4m (13ft).

A particular favourite of mine is Hamemalis x intermedia ‘Orange Peel’ with flower that resemble orange peelings and have a good scent, Its height is 4m (13ft) and spread is 4m (13ft).
What is really good about them is the interest at different times of the year. They are very tough and require almost no maintenance which is great for a long lived plant. Buying Hamemalis is best done through specialist shrub nurseries.
Tips for the Week
Weed Chick weed and Hairy Bitter Cress as they keep growing during the winter.
Sow onion seed under glass or on a window sill as it need a long growing season.
Sort seed potatoes by placing them in a cool light frost free place with the eye facing up.
Prune Wisteria by cutting back to 2-3 buds on last year’s wood.
If renovation pruning is required for rambling roses, now is a good time to do it.
Pictures: Top, snowdrops at Aberglasney, middle of text, Hamemalis x intermedia Orange Peel


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