'Hacking the language' event at Aberystwyth

The latest technology and the Welsh language will be the topic of an annual conference at Aberystwyth over the weekend.
The Third “Hacio’r Iaith” (Hacking the Language) will be hosted by the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies, Aberystwyth University on Saturday the 28th of January 2012.
The conference is a chance for those who are passionate about technology, the media, and the Welsh language, to come together and discuss the latest developments in their fields.
Amongst the subjects discussed will be local journalism in the digital age, art and culture online, campaigning, e-books, and developing free software for the Welsh language.
Hacking the Language is an open conference, which means that anyone can take part and talk about a subject of their own choosing. The conference has been organized in a wiki manner, which means that most of the work has been completed through the use of free technology.
Even though the event will take place at Aberystwyth, it will be possible to follow it online – and contribute to it from afar – through the twitter hashtag #haciaith and through internet broadcasting.
There will also be a chance to hear the recording of the monthly podcast Yr Haclediad in front of a live audience.
"The Department is delighted to welcome the wiki-conference Hacio’r Iaith to Aberystwyth for the third time” said Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones.
 “It is a very special example of the way in which we as an University can work closely with other people who are busily building the Welsh web. It is a combination – academics, bloggers, tweeters, students, software developers, media producers and the thinkers of the online world, all coming together.”
“We will certainly discover new ideas and possibilities for the Welsh language on the Internet, and we will also discuss and implement new developments.” Said one of Hacking the Language’s co-ordinators, Rhys Wynne.
“We’re looking forward to welcoming everyone who have a working interest in the Welsh language and technology to Aberystwyth on January the 28th, with their laptops and their boundless enthusiasm.”
1. More information about Hacking the Language can be found at http://haciaith.com
2. Hacking the Language will be held between 9am a 7pm on Saturday the 28th of January in Parry Williams Building (The Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies), Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth University.
3. The sponsors of Hacking the Language include Mercator, Aberystwyth University, Sbellcheck, NativeHQ, The Welsh Language Board, and S4C.
4. Hacking the Language will take an unconference form, based on the events of BarCamp, a set of technological meetings across the world. Amongst the instructions, it is stated that anyone who has something to contribute or who harbours a desire to learn are welcome to attend such an event, they must be ready to share with other people present, and then be willing to share the ideas with the world at the end of the event.
5. Contributions in Welsh and English are welcomed at Hacking the Language, but the focus of the event is the use of internet technology by Welsh speakers, through the medium of Welsh and also for Welsh learners.
6. The press are welcome to use the pictures below (from Hacking the Language 2011) with stories about Hacking the Language, paying recognition to Bryn Salisbury.
Videos of 2011:
The recording of Yr Haclediad 2011: http://vimeo.com/28652923


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