Review of Carmarthenshire leisure services

Council officers have reviewed the way leisure services are delivered in Carmarthenshire following the impact of the recession.
From a golf club to parks, school sports halls and leisure centres, 22 facilities have been scrutinised to improve the way they are delivered.
None are closing. In most cases the council is working to deliver the services more efficiently. In some cases partner organisations have been found to deliver the services.
County chairman of the regeneration and leisure scrutiny committee Cllr Anthony Jones said the action plan determined over the last year had been a major piece of work and he praised those involved for saving the county’s rich diversity or leisure outlets by making and suggesting efficiencies.
He says: “There is no way we could have continued to provide parks, centres and many of the attractions we have without radical changes to develop this action plan to help preserve and improve what we have.
“I am confident users will see improvements that will not dramatically change the way leisure services are delivered but will serve to enhance the prospects of the facilities being saved for the present and future generations.”
Cllr Jones has asked for an update on progress of the report in the New Year and for continued scrutiny to review performances of all the leisure outlets.
Carmarthenshire Council’s executive board have endorsed the following recommendations of the scrutiny committee:
Garnant Golf Club: To encourage commercial management to secure its future.
Bro Myrddin Indoor Bowls: Continue discussions with partner organisations to provide best value.
Glanymor Sports Centre: Community usage to be managed by the school.
Bryngwyn Sports Centre: Continue to discuss on site management of community usage with the school.
Burry Port Harbour: Retain current arrangement while considering operational options.
Dynevor Indoor Bowls: Continue to work with the voluntary management committee to take forward the facility and improve best value.
Gelli Aur County Park: Retain and review current arrangements whilst park ownership issue is resolved.
Ski Pembrey, Slope and Shop, Pembrey Country Park: Retain current arrangements whilst considering future options with potential partners.
St Clear’s Leisure Centre: Retain current arrangements.
Coedcae Sports Hall: Continue discussions with school about on site management of community usage.
Gwendraeth Sport Centre: Retain current arrangement
Llandovery Swimming Pool: Retain current arrangements.
Newcastle Emlyn Leisure Centre: Retain current arrangements.
Newcastle Emlyn Swimming Pool: Maintain current management arrangement by voluntary committees.
Pembrey Country Park: Retain current arrangements and investigate means of further efficiencies.
Llanelli Millennium Coastal Park: Retain current arrangement.
Discovery Centre, North Dock,Llanelli: Retain current arrangements.
Pendine Outdoor Education Centre: Retain current arrangements.
Carmarthen Leisure Centre;
Llanelli Leisure Centre and
Amman Valley Leisure Centre: In each case to retain current arrangements and investigate schemes to generate further income.


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