Pontweli Powerhouse now open for business

The Pwerdy Powerhouse Community and Arts Centre in Pontweli is now fully operational and available for courses, workshops, room hire.
The Centre has a fully equipped computer suite which offers facilities for eight thin client computers and an Apple iMac as well as space to accommodate a further eight personal laptop users.
The Centre is WiFi throughout and has a computer available for hot-desking should anyone wish to surf the internet and does not have access to a computer. There are currently art classes, yoga classes, drumming classes, singing classes and computer classes being held at the centre.
The committee of the Powerhouse secured funding in 2007 after years of hard work to refurbish the building.
The Powerhouse aims to be a community hub for agencies to meet clients within the Teifi valley.
Consultation has proved that the closure of the local Job Centre and various other agencies in nearby towns has resulted in a lack of meeting places within the rural area.
Moreover, meetings are being moved to Carmarthen, and with a lack of an efficient public transport service in place, this journey can prove difficult. This service aims to improve the basic meeting provision for the rural communities of the Teifi valley.
A film club is being established to provide bilingual entertainment and cultural evenings for the community. Social exclusion is a real problem in the area, and this project will help develop community interaction by providing a social activity for the benefit of the rural community.
Executive board member for regeneration and leisure Cllr Clive Scourfield said: “The Powerhouse is a marvellous new facility for the Teifi Valley which is providing people with access to the Internet, a wide range of classes and meeting facilities.
“It is not only providing services to the community but will also help to bring people together.”
The project has been part-funded to the tune of £19,894.38 by the Axis 4 project Access to Services through Innovation through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 which is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
For information go to www.pwerdypowerhouse.co.uk or email post@pwerdypowerhouse.co.uk with any questions or ring the direct line 01559 364820 and speak to the Project Officer. There is an answerphone facility on this number. Calls will be returned promptly.

Members of the management committee and representatives of Carmarthenshire County Council are pictured at the official launch.
Pictured are Powerhouse committee vice chair Keith Evans, County Cllr Lynda Evans, committee secretary Suzanne Owen, treasurer Mary Phillips, chair Fioled Jones, Powerhouse project officer Hazel Thomas, project leader Mark Baggott, community development officer Alice James, county council director or regeneration and leisure Dave Gilbert, and County Cllrs Gwyn Wooldridge and Clive Scourfield.


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