Council Question Time for children

Children from four of the county’s primary schools, Llangunnor, Brechfa, Johnstown and Ysgol y Bedol, gathered to ask questions about Carmarthenshire County Council and address issues that affect them.
A wide variety of topics were discussed by the children: the state of local play facilities; public dog fouling; traffic; breakfast clubs; and school dinners.
The event provided children with an opportunity to voice their concerns and learn more about the authority and the role its councillors play in the running of the county.
Cllr Wooldridge said: “The feedback from the event has been very positive and we’re confident that the children have learned a lot. We did our best to answer all of the children’s questions and believe that they are all much more aware of the work the council does within Carmarthenshire.”
The event coincided with Local Democracy Week 2010.
The week long event hopes to create ‘new politics’ where citizens can positively engage with an exciting, relevant and vibrant democracy.
Many of the councillors will be following up on questions and issues raised by the children and a similar event is already being planned for 2011.


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