Carmarthenshire ready for the cold snap

With a cold snap due to arrive by the end of the week, Carmarthenshire County Council’s building services division is making sure there’ll be as little disruption as possible.
With overnight temperatures expected to plummet to -3°C, simple measures are being taken to avoid potential damage at council properties, and teams are on standby to deal promptly with any emergency issues.
One of the small measures being undertaken is turning off the stop taps at empty council homes until the property is allocated to a tenant.
Phil Lumley, Head of Property Services, said: “We are expecting a sudden drop in temperatures towards the end of the week, and whilst we do not expect the weather to be anywhere near as bad as we experienced at the beginning of the year, we do want to make sure we are prepared.”
In the run up to the colder winter weather, Building Services staff are also advising council tenants and private homeowners to undertake a quick maintenance check of their properties in order to address any concerns before they become a major issue.
They include checking insulation and lagging pipes and water tanks, and shutting off outside taps and draining standing water to stop burst pipes.
It is also worth insulating doors and windows, as well as any gaps in floorboards and skirting boards.
On the safety side, those who use open fires are being reminded to check their chimneys are clear, and that smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are in full working order; and checking that outdoor lights are working and pathways are clear.
The team also advises to show capable people in the household how to shut off the water, electricity and gas supplies in case of any potential emergencies, and keeping a list of useful numbers handy – including a plumber, gas installer and electrician.
Cllr Hugh Evans, executive board member for building services, said: “It’s always good to be prepared, and whilst we are not expecting an extreme freeze, there is the potential for a hard frost. The building services team are used to dealing with these kinds of conditions, and I’m sure their preparations will mean minimum disruption.”
If you are a council tenant and need to report any urgent repair requests, call Carmarthenshire Direct on 01267 234567.


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