New helping hand for Carmarthenshire residents

A new drive is underway to help people needing housing related support in Carmarthenshire.
Residents needing help to live independently in their own homes are being reminded that help is at hand.
Vulnerable people living alone, people wanting to stay in their houses and those wanting to move from an institutional setting to a stable home could all be missing out on valuable advice and support.
Now Carmarthenshire County Council is behind a promotional drive to remind residents what help is available.
The Supporting People team is distributing Directories of Housing Related Support Services and information posters across the county.
They will be circulated to all GP surgeries, customer service centres and Citizens Advice Bureaux, and the directory is also available online.
Officers are hoping to target a large audience, many of who may be struggling in silence.
Supporting People Principal Officer Ruth Evans said: “The team works in partnership with other agencies that can help with a huge range of housing related support.
“Services can help enable people to remain independent in their own homes, avoid admission to institutional settings like hospital, or in the extreme a life on the streets.
“Equally we can help people in institutional settings to move to a cost effective, safe and supported home in the wider community.
“It may be that people need to get appliances serviced or repair works carried out, they may want advice on fire safety or adaptations in their homes.
“Services can provide help with neighbour disputes, claiming benefits, learning basic life skills like cooking or information about the community and local amenities.
“In extreme cases people may be at risk of losing their home or independence and housing related support services could help.”
Staff work closely with other agencies to ensure that support is available to help vulnerable people including people at risk of becoming homeless, the disabled, single parents, women suffering domestic abuse and people with learning difficulties.
Housing Executive Board Member and Supporting People Champion cllr Hugh Evans said: “I am delighted that so much proactive work is underway to help people needing housing related support in Carmarthenshire.
“I commend the efforts of the team and those agencies who work with the council to provide services and I would urge anyone in need of support to get in touch and find out what help is available.”
For further information contact 01267 228716 / 228680.


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