Mobile trailer showcases talent in Carmarthenshire

A unique mobile trailer is being used to showcase local talent in rural Carmarthenshire.
Voluntary groups from across the county are promoting their work at the travelling display unit.
The Gwyb Gart trailer is visiting events across the county, and is helping to develop local talent in the fields of drama, singing and dancing on a special mobile stage.
It was launched by Welsh language initiative Menter Bro Dinefwr following demand from community groups to promote events in rural parts of the county.
It is also being used to raise awareness of the extensive work being carried out by Menter Bro Dinefwr and other voluntary organisations.
The trailer will visit a range of events including agricultural shows, festivals and sporting days over the summer.
The project was funded with the help of a £16,499 grant from the Developing Identity and Distinctiveness programme.
The programme has received aid from Carmarthenshire County Council and the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013, which is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Regeneration bosses from the council have visited project leaders to congratulate them on the success of the venture.
The council's Community Regeneration Manager John Wilson said: "There was public demand for a display trailer and it became apparent that there was a distinct lack of resources available to groups to promote themselves in rural areas.
"There has been huge support for the project, with backing from organisations like the Young Farmers schools, Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, agricultural show committees and Merched Y Wawr groups."
Organisers say the project is going from strength to strength.
They hope that drama and performing arts companies will use Gwyb Gart to perform in local communities and attract wider audiences.
Council Chief Executive Mark James said: "The council is committed to empowering people in their own communities and in rural areas we are supporting organisations who need help with marketing.
"This mobile trailer is a fantastic platform for organisations to promote their work and we are pleased to have been able to support Menter Bro Dinefwr in their efforts."
The grant was part of a multi-million pound investment in communities across Carmarthenshire.
The council's community regeneration team is working to help communities and provide them with the support they need to run sustainable enterprises.
Regeneration Executive Board Member cllr Clive Scourfield said: “This scheme is bringing benefits to many organisations who would not have had the resources previously to reach such wide audiences.
"I congratulate Menter Bro Dinefwr on their vision and I look forward to seeing the project develop even further in the future."

Left to right Community Regeneration Officer Sally Doughton, cllr Sue Evans, Sara Evans from Menter Bro Dinefwr, Community Regeneration Manager John Wilson, Chief Executive Mark James, Lynette Thomas and Owain Glenister from Menter Bro Dinefwr.


Anonymous said…
Love Sally's Baps!

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