Brynamman eyesore now a car park

A Brynamman eyesore which has been a longstanding blight on the community has been transformed into a much needed car park.
Three buildings on the corner of Mountain Road have been bulldozed after complaints from residents.
Two of the properties had been empty for many years.
The area has now been cleared by Carmarthenshire County Council, as part of a £167,000 environmental improvement scheme.
The project was co-funded by a grant of £116,00 from the Welsh Assembly Government’s Western Valleys Strategic Regeneration Area Programme.
The work has been carried out as part of the 10 year Group Renewal programme in Upper Brynamman.
The council’s Principal Area Renewal Officer Clive Thomas said: “The buildings were in the centre of the village and were an eyesore for the community.
“We are pleased to have been able to complete this scheme. The work has greatly improved this part of Brynamman and provided much needed car parking space for Post Office customers.”
Upper Brynamman is one of two areas in Carmarthenshire to be designated as a Renewal Area, meaning there are recognised housing, social and environmental problems.
The Renewal Area programme, which is funded by the county council and Welsh Assembly Government invests hundreds of thousands of pounds in housing improvements and regeneration works in the community every year.
Works are carried out to improve homes, shops, commercial premises, the local environment and the infrastructure.
The council’s Housing Executive Board Member cllr Hugh Evans said: “The main purpose of area renewal is to improve housing conditions, together with securing improvements in environmental quality and promoting long-term confidence in the area.
“I am delighted that this scheme has been carried out, providing much needed car parking in the area as well as ridding the community of these buildings which have been an eyesore for some time.”

Before: The rundown area in Brynamman.

After: The new look area with parking spaces.


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