Trinity wins national Quality Mark

Care and support for students is high on the agenda at Trinity University College in Carmarthen.
And it’s a mission which has helped the university scoop a prestigious national quality award.
The university prides itself on its commitment to provide care and support for all students.
But it is particularly proud of the work it does with students who have themselves been in care.
Now the university has been recognised by the Frank Buttle Trust.
Trinity has reached the standard for the Quality Mark for Care Leavers in Higher Education.
“The Frank Buttle Trust is recognised as a hugely important UK charity and Trinity University College is delighted to have received this quality award,” said Director of Student Services Dai Rogers.
“The award recognises the hard work that all staff put in to make sure that anyone who has been in care has a rewarding experience here at Trinity and it also recognises the work that goes on in supporting students leaving the university.
“The award reflects great credit on all staff but I would, in particular, like to pay tribute to the input of Jean Harris (Senior Counsellor) and Llinos Davies (of the Widening Access project).”
Mr Rogers said he was personally delighted with the award. “The Frank Buttle Trust is acknowledged as a charity which does wonderful things to help young people in need.
“The award means that Trinity can boast a national quality mark for its excellent work. We are delighted that we have been awarded the Frank Buttle Trust Quality Mark in recognition of our commitment to care leavers in higher education.”
If you are a student entering Higher Education from care, you can be assured that Trinity will offer the necessary support and information.
This support is available while you are deciding what or where to study, continues through the university application process, and is ongoing once you have started your course. Help and information are also available if you are someone advising a student from care.
As a student from care, or as someone advising a care leaver, your first point of contact is the named person for care leavers, Delyth Lewis. (Tel: 01267 676947 or e-mail
She is based in Student Services, and can give you information about all aspects of Trinity University College’s support provision – both prior to admission and whilst studying.
You can declare on your UCAS application form that you have been in care, or your social services team can let us know that you are a care leaver. This means that we can make sure that support is in place from an early stage.
Some useful websites:
Note: The Frank Buttle Trust. Founded in 1937 and operational since 1953, the Frank Buttle Trust is the largest UK charity providing grant aid solely to individual children and young people in desperate need. For over half a century, the Trust has helped many thousands of vulnerable children, young people and families throughout the United Kingdom. In 2008 – 2009, the Trust made over 10,000 grants, totalling £3 million. The people the charity helps are often in particularly difficult circumstances and may be experiencing significant deprivation. They may be estranged from their family, seriously ill, or experiencing a range of other social problems.


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