Site visit for St Clears plan

Carmarthenshire councillors will visit the site of a proposed mixed commercial and residential development in St Clears next week.
The outline application is for a mixed use redevelopment including employment, community, retail and specialist residential uses on land at Station Road.
The county planning committee will travel to Station Road on Tuesday following a request by local member Cllr Philip Hughes to look at the site because of concerns over highway safety.
The council’s Head of Transport is recommending that any planning permission should be the subject to conditions on the specification of the junction and the access road into the development site, the provision of public transport infrastructure within the site (bus infrastructure) and parking facilities.
The recommendation is also subject to the developer entering into a Section 106 Agreement in relation to the provision of a commuted sum for providing a pedestrian crossing and raised plateau plus zebra crossing on Pentre Road with LED halos. The level of contribution being sought from the developer is £35,000 towards a pedestrianised crossing facility and raised plateau on Station Road and £5,000 towards the upgrading of the existing zebra crossing on Pentre Road with LED halos.
Officers are recommending approving the scheme.
See earlier post -


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