Trinity academic at Malaysia conference

Dr Sue Davies, Head of the School of Education Studies and Social Inclusion, at Trinity University College and Pauline Lewis, Coordinator of the South West and Mid Wales local authority consortium, copresented a paper at the ICSEI (International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement) conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The Annual Conference looks at school effectiveness and improvement as the common cause that brings together educationalists in an international vision of effective schools, effective leadership and effective teaching.
They presented a paper, A National Framework for School Effectiveness: a Regional Case study of Developing System Leadership in Action, which described the process adopted to pilot the implementation of the School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) in Wales which involves collaborative consortium working.
Dr Sue Davies said: “The paper explores how the continued development of collaborative working across the region impacts on change through development, delivery and monitoring; and subsequently adds value to the work of each institution and local authority, ensuring that the systems developed make effective use of the resources available and maximise impact on standards at pupil, institutional, regional and national levels”.
The work undertaken for the SEF has led to research into the development and pilot of the Inclusive Schools Award for Wales – an Inclusion Quality Mark, for which Dr Sue Davies has been the consultant.


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