Trinity leads way on benchmarks

Trinity University College in Carmarthen leads the way in Wales in two major educational benchmarks.
The benchmarks focus on what a student does after completing a course and also judges success in providing graduate opportunities.
“Trinity chalked up the high scores in Wales in both sectors – and that is something we are very proud of here at the university,” said a delighted Nesta James, careers adviser at Trinity.
The benchmarks where Trinity scored so well are based on the latest available figures.
The first examined the destinations of 2008 graduates.
The Higher Education Statistics Agency instructed all institutions in Wales to make initial contact with former students in November 2008.
Trinity followed up with a series of telephone calls between January and March 2009 and contacted every student who had completed a course at Trinity University College, including part-time and ‘flexi’ students.
The final response rate from students obtaining a first degree from full time courses was 81.2%.
The percentage of students in employment or further study was found to be a massive 96.2%.
The Higher Education Statistics Agency reported in July that Trinity was the HE (Higher Education) institution in Wales with the highest number of graduates in employment or further study.
The second benchmark followed the GO Wales project.
GO Wales stands for ‘Graduate Opportunities Wales’ and is an employability and business development programme that encourages businesses and graduates in Wales to get the most out of working together.
GO Wales better prepares students and graduates for work and their future career. In so doing, the programme contributes significantly to the economic development of Wales: business can access the skills they need to grow and succeed.
Managed by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and delivered in partnership by University Careers Services, GO Wales strives to deliver a quality service to all its client groups. The programme is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government.
Careers adviser Nesta James explained: “The whole Go Wales project is about keeping skills in Wales and that is why we are so delighted Trinity has done so well.
“The project allows for subsidised placements in business and industry, work tasters (crucially important when people are making up their minds about what type of work they want to pursue) and Graduate Academy and freelance opportunities (GDF).
“Trinity was among the best-performing institutions in respect of Go Wales and we are very proud of our achievements.”
The latest Go Wales cycle was completed in December 2008.
Trinity University College was successful in achieving all its targets as follows:
Subsidised placements: 104% target achieved
Tasters: 107% target achieved
GDF: 175% target achieved


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