Guardian has a pop at Carmarthenshire Council

Interesting 'Opinion' piece in the South Wales Guardian in Ammanford this week -
First it was their own newspaper, then it was an Internet TV channel. Carmarthenshire Council are certainly not slow in thinking up seemingly limitless ways of frittering away their budgets.
Now County Hall seems hell-bent on pursuing legal action against a retired Llandybie builder.
Contrary to what the rest of us have been led to believe, they really must have boundless funds.
Nigel Humphreys, readers will recall, was recently acquitted of all charges relating to legal action launched by the council, which left the taxpayer with an estimated bill of around £28,000.
Although that appeared to be the end of the matter, the local authority has now been granted leave to appeal.
Heaven knows what this new High Court action is going to cost.
At the end of the day, this is public money being used to take members of the public to court.
It has been a dreadful year and each and every one of us has had to tighten our belts in order to survive.
Yet at a time when council spending is so restricted, County Hall stubbornly insists on pursuing further legal action against Mr Humphreys – and at the taxpayers’ expense.
Their justification – that the decision made by the magistrates was fundamently flawed – simply will not wash as far as cash-strapped families throughout the county are concerned.
People aren’t fools. They know full well that this is money that would be better used on frontline services.
The Guardian’s award for the year’s worst losers goes to Carmarthenshire Council.


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