Monkton Primary School praised

The staff and governing body of Monkton Priory Community Primary School are delighted with the findings of their recent Estyn Inspection report.
The school was inspected in October as part of a national programme of school inspection. A copy of the summary report is available from the school.
The report highlights many outstanding features. The school was judged as a ‘very inclusive school, where pupils make good progress'. Outstanding features include the learning experiences provided for pupils and the care, support and guidance available to pupils.
The progress that the vast majority of learners make in their personal, spiritual, moral, social and wider development is outstanding. Pupils' behaviour is also an outstanding feature of the school.
The report also states that ‘the school's partnership with parents and the local community are highly successful and have outstanding features that enrich the life and work of the school and enhance children's experiences'.
It commented that ‘parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive and proud of the school. They have great confidence in the head teacher and staff, value the school's welcoming nature and appreciate the strong sense of community fostered by the school'.
The reports findings recommend that the school can improve by raising standards in ICT and Music; in bilingual and ICT skills and by continuing to improve attendance rates.
The head teacher Mrs Shelley Morris considers that the report captures the essence of the school and the efforts of all the staff and pupils.


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