Positive progress for Cardigan integrated care centre

The proposed Cardigan Integrated Care Centre development continues to make steady progress, with the full business case due to be submitted to Welsh Government for approval in the coming weeks.
Local stakeholders met with Hywel Dda University Health Board at a meeting last week to discuss progress on the new development, as well as hearing about how community services are continuing to developing well across Ceredigion.
Updates included:
  • South Ceredigion Community Resource Nursing Service – the team of nurses provide care and support for people with need in our community. They continue to see an increase in referrals and the service is delivering good outcomes for patients and their carers, who have provided positive feedback. Over the last quarter (January to March 2016) 80% of patients referred into the service received continued care and support enabling them to remain in their own homes.
  • Transport – work is ongoing to develop a travel plan and to establish a Transport and Access Group. Positive discussions are also taking place with a local bus company about a range of options to ensure sufficient public transport access to the new centre.
  • Additional ground investigation work – some additional ground investigation work is continuing on the Health Board’s development site to give further reassurance on any impact caused by adjacent land issues outside of the Health Board’s site boundary. When this additional ground investigation information is available, the Health Board can consider appropriate options to ensure the matter is resolved as quickly as possible.
Presentations were also given about the potential for improved access to services through telemedicine facilities and the provision of enhanced radiology services, both of which will be available in the new centre.
Chair of the University Health Board Bernardine Rees, OBE: “We are continuing to move steadily forward on this important development. I can reassure the community that we are doing everything necessary to ensure that we get it right and, whilst it can sometimes seem that progress is slow, it is essential that we take the time now to get the detail right at this key stage in the process.
“I wish to pay tribute to the project board, our staff, stakeholders, local authority colleagues and our partners for their ongoing commitment and hard work to ensure that the new centre becomes a reality and meets our aim of providing safe, sustainable, integrated care for our local population.”
A public information event followed the meeting with stakeholders, which saw over 30 local people call in to the hour long event to find out the latest information and to talk directly to members of the development’s project board and a wide range of service representatives.
The project’s full business case is nearing completion and is expected to be submitted for Welsh Government consideration in April.
The new integrated care centre, located on the Bathhouse site in Cardigan, will provide a modern, fit for purpose healthcare service for the local population, bringing care closer to home and in the community. A wide range of integrated health and social care services will be delivered by Hywel Dda UHB, GPs, the third sector, local authority and partner organisations.
For the latest news and updated from Hywel Dda University Health Board visitwww.hywelddahb.wales.nhs.uk


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