Brakes put on scramble bikes at Bynea

Carmarthenshire County Council’s noise complaints team is investigating reports of off-road scramble biking on council land at Bynea.
They have acted on complaints from local residents who have contacted their local councillor complaining of the noise the bikers are causing.
Dyfed Powys Police are also involved.
Bikers are being warned that they do not have permission to ride on the council-owned land, near Heol y Bwlch.
The council is now looking at ways to prevent access to the land and will be erecting signage to warn people that biking is prohibited.
Cllr Jim Jones, Executive Board Member for Public Protection, said: “Our environmental health team has visited the site with the police and Cllr Deryk Cundy, the local councillor, to assess the problem and advise anyone they find using the land for scramble biking.
“A number of people believed they were allowed to use the land, but this is not the case.
“Scrambling in this area is not allowed – we have not given permission for people to use our land for this activity.”
Cllr Deryk Cundy added: “Many members of the public have come to me because of the noise being generated by this activity. I’m pleased to have visited the site with council officers and hope that people will take our advice on board."


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