The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post

The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post.
Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy.


Did you know that in 2009, more than 3000 new laws were passed in the UK?
No, of course you didn’t.
If you want to know how many have been passed since then, look it up yourself. I’ve done my bit.
Despite the fact we’re knee-deep in laws, rules and regulations, millions of people around the world believe we British live in some sort of ‘demi-paradise’ - to quote Shakespeare.
Not that he ever quotes me. And you can quote me on that!
People flock here because they have an idealised vision of our country.
While we’re blessed with freedom of speech, the freedom to roam and the freedom to grow and compete in business, those who arrive here legally or otherwise soon get a reality check when they realise 98% of us don’t live in country mansions a la “Downton” or Canary Wharf apartments and that the streets of Wales aren’t paved with gold – with the exception of certain areas of Morriston.
They soon encounter the myriad problems we have here, not the least of which is, we’re not the most united nation in the United Nations.
Certain political parties have their own vested interests in separating the countries that make-up Great Britain.
Further schisms are created by religion, the reluctance of certain minorities to integrate with the rest of the population . . . and football supporters whose devotion to their particular team makes it abundantly clear that ‘fan’ is derived from ‘fanatic’.
If you think I shouldn’t include sport alongside serious topics like politics and religion, you’ve never been caught between two rival groups of football supporters on match day.
The number of new laws being introduced on a weekly basis is verging on the ludicrous.
The latest one is the ban on smoking in cars.
I realise why it was brought in, but I think it’s draconian and unenforceable.
And I don’t smoke!
The way things are going, in 10 years time, devoted smokers (‘nicotine-agers’) will be banned from lighting-up in their own homes and only be allowed to indulge in their habit inside purpose-built shelters at the bottom of their gardens.
And in 20 years, smokers will be ostracised from society in the way drug addicts are now, hanging around on street corners waiting for a dealer to come along with 20 ‘Players’ and a box of matches.
When that happens, you’re free to quote this prediction from October, 2015.
Who needs Shakespeare?


My spies inform me that the ever-popular and truly talented Llanelli Little Theatre Company are already rehearsing for their next production, Blackadder, which will be performed at the Ffwrnes Theatre Llanelli from 19th to 21st November.
This small and dedicated group of performers do comedy so well.
So, I am in no doubt that this latest venture will be one of their best productions to date.
If their last performance of Fawlty Towers was anything to go by, I, for one, cannot wait to see this production.
Every show I have seen from Llanelli Little Theatre Company could easily tour the country.
Blackadder fans are everywhere and the success of the classic TV series was without doubt an influence on so many other shows and performers which have become household names today.
Work commitments permitting, I am really looking forward to seeing the live and finished product so close to home.
Why not treat yourselves to a really good night out? I guarantee you won’t be disappointed!


Swansea SA1:
For a number of years now, Swansea SA1 and the Waterfront area has become a very popular part of town to visit, relax and unwind.
It features many attractive bars, restaurants and plenty of musical entertainment.
This part of town can easily be mistaken for some European holiday resort and, when we get the right weather in Wales, this is the place to be!
I regularly take friends and family to SA1 as it ticks all of the boxes and has something for everyone.
Even ‘nan’ loves it, although the sea breeze sometimes gets a bit much if she’s forgotten to wear her vest.
It is fast becoming an area for local talent to use as a showcase.
One venue that hosts such events is Garbo’s cafe/bar.
Garbo’s is steadily building a reputation for great quality food and drinks, whilst occasionally surprising its clientele with class entertainment.
There is so much on offer in the area, if we were only prepared to venture out and explore a little.
Fancy a coffee anyone?


You can follow Phil Evans on Twitter @philevanswales and


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