Carmarthenshire Council fleet rolling out new branding

Branding changes have been made to some vehicles in the upgrading of the 489-strong fleet of Carmarthenshire Council vehicles.
As new vehicles are acquired to the fleet, ranging from 26-tonne refuse vehicles to lightweight electric cars, you will be seeing more of the rebranded vehicles rolled out on roads across the county.
The updating of the council's considerable fleet will achieve savings of more than half a million pounds over three years.
The council will explore the potential for advertising on the back doors of light commercial vehicles to help boost income in these austere times.
Already, 20 property maintenance vehicles have the new livery and some gritters have been refurbished with the rebranding in time for the busy winter period.
County executive board member for environment transport services, Cllr Hazel Evans, said: “Our latest investment within the vehicle fleet, is the replacement of refuse collection vehicles at a cost of £4.35m, which when they arrive in 2016, will bring the very latest in fuel emission technology and spearhead the council's waste collection strategy for the next five years."
Carmarthenshire's head of transport Stephen Pilliner said: “Investment is important to minimise the life costs of assets. The programme is also underway in other areas of the vehicle fleet."
Mr Pilliner said the next challenge was the replacement of the council’s highway winter maintenance fleet at an anticipated cost in the region of £2million.


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