Hot under the collar? Here's some advice from Red Kite Law

Hannah Dahill, the Head of Redkite's Employment & HR Team offers some advice to employers during the hot weather . . . 

Over the next few days, Britain is expected to reach temperatures in excess of 30°C.
With the Met Office placing the whole country under a level two heat-health alert, employers are under increased pressure to ensure the safety of their workers against the effects of excessive temperatures.
By working in excessively high temperatures, a number  of adverse effects can occur including dehydration, headaches, nausea, dizziness, lacking concentration, increased risk of accident and the potential of a reduction in productivity.
To minimise the negative side effects employers can undertake a number of precautions to ensure the safety of employees.
For employees working predominately indoors, precautions include:-
•Allowing Adequate Ventilation.
•Access to cool water at all times.
•Permitting an increased number of rest breaks.
•A relaxation of formal dress code for staff, where possible.
For employees working outdoors, consideration should be given to the points above with further consideration given to the direct exposure of the employee to sunlight and the impacts this could have upon the employee at a later stage.
To protect workers against the risk of overexposure to sunlight several precautions can be taken including:-
•Modification of the working routine, wherever possible. This avoids heavy physical work being undertaken during the most intense hours of sunlight in the day.
•Allowing an increased number of breaks within the shade.
•Unlike those working indoors, workers should be encouraged to prevent exposure to the sun by wearing long sleeves and trousers and/or loose clothing.
•Wearing hats with wide brims or flaps to protect exposure to the neck and ears.
•Further exposure risk should be reduced by encouraging workers to use suncream of a high factor (SPF 15 or above).
There is currently no maximum temperature set by the Health and Safety Executive.

For further information please contact The Head of Redkite's Employment & HR Team on 01267 239 483 or by email at


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