Over 50s tattoo exhibition opens in Cardiff

“Do you really regret your tattoo?” asks charity arts project

A Cardiff tea room is to be the location of an unusual art exhibition about over older people and their tattoos.
‘No Regrets’ is a photographic exhibition by the Gwanwyn arts festival from older people’s charity Age Cymru.
It gets under the skin of over 50s by asking them the question “Do you really regret your tattoo in older age?”
‘No Regrets’ is going to be on show at Waterloo Tea on Waterloo Gardens, which supports local artists by displaying their work as a six-week exhibition.
Featuring photography by Michal Iwanowski, the exhibition promises to deliver a positive and inspiring study of tattoos on older skin and the stories behind the ink.
Says Emma Robinson, Age Cymru’s Arts & Creativity Development Officer:
“Gwanwyn is the Wales-wide, national arts festival for older people, championing and we’re delighted to partner up with Waterloo Tea in Cardiff.
“The idea for ‘No Regrets’ came from the notion that people who get tattoos are always told that they will regret them when they’re older.
“I thought it would be interesting to ask older people if they really do regret their tattoo.
“I’m delighted that we are working with Waterloo Tea with this exhibition which will challenge preconceptions about what it’s like to be an older person in Wales.”
No Regrets is now open for public viewing Monday – Saturday [08.00 – 18.00] and Sunday [09.00 – 18.00] until 27 April 2015.
The Welsh Government and Arts Council of Wales support Age Cymru to run the Gwanwyn festival.
Age Cymru is Wales’s largest and leading charity for older people. We work nationally and locally - through our network of local charity partners, to make Wales a place where older people can flourish.

Photos by Michal Iwanowski - 

David Bath

Yvonne’s green skull tattoo

Age Cymru:
· Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales
· We are the force combining Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales.
· Age affects us all in different ways. We cannot promise good health, but we should be able to ensure good care for all of us. When we find loneliness, we will reach out. When age becomes a burden, we will lighten the load.
· Age Cymru will campaign. We will fundraise. We will research. We will make the powers that be listen.
· Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436.
· Company limited by guarantee and registered by in England and Wales 6837284.
· Registered office address: Tŷ John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff, CF24 5PJ.
· Age Cymru works nationally and locally across Wales to improve life for all older people.
· Age Cymru is funded by donations from the public, corporate partners, our retail and trading enterprises and the Welsh Government.


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