Mental Health Nurse celebrates National Champion Award

Pembrokeshire Mental Health Nurse Lisa Kinsella CPN has been presented with the National Champion Award for her dedication and commitment to her vulnerable client group and for contributing to the research needed into mental health.
Lisa was presented the award by Professor Ian Jones, Director for the National Centre for Mental Health at the Perinatal Mental Health Conference, hosted by Hywel Dda University Health Board (UHB) and Pembrokeshire County Council in March.
The award was one of the highlights at the groundbreaking conference which was attended by over 200 delegates and delivered up-to-date clinical evidence and information on the risks and treatment necessary to address mental health issues that commonly occur following child birth.
On receiving the award, Lisa paid tribute to the team working to deliver this, particularly Dr Baba Kamran and colleagues from Flying Start.
The conference was chaired by Sian Marie James, Vice Chair of Hywel Dda UHB and attracted national speakers including Professor Ian Jones, Director for the National Centre for Mental Health, Dr Liz McDonald, Chair of the Perinatal Faculty, and Welsh Government representative Nursing Officer Polly Ferguson.
Alongside professional academics and key experts, service users and key stakeholders were involved in presentations and workshops, including Fathers Reaching Out, S-CAMHS Tiny Tiers Workshop, PANDAS and MIND.
Angela Lodwick, Head of Specialist Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (S-CAMHS) and Mental Health Perinatal Lead said: “Perinatal mental illnesses are a major public health issue that must be taken seriously and can have a devastating impact on women and their families. Hywel Dda UHB is committed to developing services in collaboration with partner agencies that meets the needs of our population.”
Alli Parkinson, Acting Head of Children’s Services at Pembrokeshire County Council, said that integration across services is ‘increasingly proposed as the most effective approach to delivering services for women experiencing or at risk of developing mental health problems in the perinatal period’.
“We are delighted, as a Local Authority in partnership with Hywel Dda University Health Board, to have established a pilot perinatal service as a partnership initiative,” she said. “It is envisaged this will set the pace for future developments in West Wales and ensure that mothers and babies benefit from a bespoke and unique service.”

Pictured at the conference are (left to right, back row), Alli Parkinson, Angela Lodwick, Dr Sarah Jones, Clinical Fellow at the National Centre for Mental Health, Dr Liz McDonald, (front row) Polly Ferguson, Sian Marie James, Helen Goodridge, Pembrokeshire Flying Start Manager, and Professor Ian Jones.
Lisa Kinsella CPN receives the National Champion Award from Professor Ian Jones, Director for the National Centre for Mental Health

Background Facts on Perinatal Disorders
Between 10-20% of women develop a mental illness during pregnancy or within the first year, (Baur et al 2014) examples include antenatal and postnatal depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, and postpartum psychosis. These conditions often develop suddenly and range from mild to extremely severe, often requiring different kinds of treatment.
Suicide is a leading cause of death during pregnancy and within the year of giving birth.
Almost half of all perinatal depression and anxiety goes undetected.
Nearly 50 % of Women have no access to specialist mental health services in the UK.
Impact on Children reveals a number of disadvantages ranging from delayed social and emotional development to severe attachment disorders.
Research demonstrates that poor mental health during pregnancy and in the year following birth can have a significant impact on the woman, her infant and her family (Austin, 2003). Collaboration and integration across services is increasingly being proposed as the most effective way of delivering services for women experiencing mental health problems in the perinatal period.
Isolated services continue to be criticised by both management and consumers, calling for closer connections between professionals and agencies (Currid, 2004). If services can move towards a collaborative care approach then the emerging evidence highlights that improved perinatal and infant mental health outcomes are more likely to be achieved and sustained.
There has been significant progress in knowledge and attitudes about tackling perinatal mental illness however there remains a significant challenge to ensure that policy makers and commissioners prioritise this as a key service development. Perinatal services are extremely sketchy and in some areas non existent.
Early intervention and prevention is central for ensuring that the most vulnerable in our society are targeted for support. Working collaboratively through joint working, co-location and the development of integrated service provision will ensure that the services can be in place to address this.


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