The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post

The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post - 

Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy.

Earlier this week I had a weird moment when I experienced a feeling of déjà vu and a premonition at exactly the same time. Luckily, I wasn’t driving my car at the time.
I was driving a mini-bus of OAPs to a day centre. I felt a little groggy, but I was stopped from passing-out when an old gentleman sat in the back shouted “Pull over”, so I did. I turned to ask him why he wanted me to stop and he said “I didn’t. I suddenly remembered I forgot my pullover!”
The past and the future merging together is a trend in television these days with many old TV series being dusted-off, re-made and updated.
We already have several new versions of old shows in the schedules, the most recent of which is “Sunday Night At The Palladium”. Not, as it was known when it ran through the 1950s and 60s, “Sunday Night At The London Palladium.
The sponsors of the programme, a bathroom company, refer to the series by its original title, indicating a lack of communication between them and the producers. Maybe the bath was running, so they didn’t quite hear them...
Several classic children’s programmes are returning, some being brought back from decades ago.
In 2015, look out for new versions of “Clangers”, narrated by Michael Palin; “The Wombles”; “Dangermouse”; “Thunderbirds”; and.(Heaven help us)”Teletubbies”!
I thought they’d never gone away, but apparently the last episode was made in 2001.
Hopefully, they’ve got over their terrible accident when La La got a bit Dipsy, fell over the Po and landed on his Tinky Winky.
Among the old shows being revamped for Saturday nights is “Name That Tune.” Not to be confused with “X Factor” which is sometimes referred to as “Name That One In Tune!”
Another popular show returning is “Stars In Their Eyes”, originally hosted by Leslie Crowther before Matthew Kelly took over. And who have ITV decided should step into their shoes? None other than Harry Hill!
No, I couldn’t believe it when I first read it, either.
The big-collared one has never come across as someone who’s comfortable inter-acting with the public, but ITV must be cock-a-hoop that they signed him up after the ‘success’ of “ The Harry Hill Movie” which emptied cinemas everywhere. When I went to see it, the projectionist asked for his money back.
Not forgetting, though many people have tried, “I Can’t Sing” the musical he co-wrote which ran at the Palladium (the one in London!) for just two months. Apparently it made the Spice Girls musical “Viva Forever!” look like “Les Miserables”.
We’ll have to wait to see what stars get impersonated in the new series, but I don’t think they’ll ever top the classic moment when an accountant from Milton Keynes said “Tonight, Matthew, I’m going to be Glenn Miller”, went through the doors into the smoke....and was never seen again!
You know what they say: sometimes, nostalgia isn’t what it used to be!


How do you have a good day with a head full of bad thoughts?
It’s been claimed that the anti­-depressant drug Prozac can make men infertile. But at least you won’t get depressed about it.
With demands of work, family and just generally living, each and every one of us walk around feeling negativity and doubt in one form or another. It has become a way of life which is unfortunate.
Part of the problem, I truly believe, is that we do things that we don't like and spend too much time with people that drain us of positive energy and happiness.
If you are around positive, uplifting people, they will make you feel good, in turn, you can pass it on. Bit like a Cwtsh really.
Have you ever noticed that the people that are mostly happy, uplifting and fun to be around are the ones that look forwards, not back. Interesting, don't you think?
When people come to our shows we have one single aim, which is to ensure that everyone forgets their problems for a few hours and walks out smiling and feeling happy.
I bet you didn't know that.


The highlight of last week for me was being invited to judge the best talent show in Wales, held at the Diplomat Hotel Llanelli.
Here we witnessed acts of various ages and experience with a passion to perform. For me it was pure joy to see some future professional performers at the grass roots of the business.
At last we have an organisation that find, develop and support talent in a safe environment. This is a recipe for success and deserves so much more recognition and awareness.
The Welsh Factor Academy was set up in February 2010 by Anna Marie Thomas from Neath, who gained her experience and good grounding in the family entertainment business.
When youngsters are encouraged to perform this way they learn valuable life skills, grow in confidence and build strong relationships which will serve them well as they go through life, a positive contribution to society as a whole.
For the future of Welsh talent to remain safe we must all encourage and support it, which means turning off the TV and venturing out to the clubs and theatres. Try it, embrace it and share they joy that is live entertainment.

You can follow Phil Evans on Twitter @philevanswales


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