New M4 motorway may be unlawful - Friends of the Earth

The Welsh Government’s plans to build a six lane motorway through one of Wales’ most important wildlife habitats may be unlawful, according to advice given to an environment charity.
Friends of the Earth Cymru has today launched a judicial review of the new M4 plans [1], after the Government refused to reconsider the decision to build through the highly protected Gwent Levels wetlands.
A judge will now examine whether the Welsh Government unlawfully limited the range of reasonable alternatives, by only considering a new motorway south of Newport and two similar variations. They will also consider if the plan’s substantial damage to protected wildlife sites is permitted by law.
Environment groups, transport experts and business representatives have all opposed the new motorway, with fears it could damage Wales’ environment and economy.
Director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, Gareth Clubb said:
“This motorway would cause massive damage to important and protected wildlife. We think the Welsh Government has acted unlawfully, and there are better transport options they’ve not properly considered. We’re now asking a judge to decide whether the government is breaking the law.
“People from all walks of life have joined us in supporting alternatives, from business groups to political parties. Whether it’s because of the huge expense, the better transport alternatives, or the environmental damage, many thousands of people in Wales are against this unnecessary and unaffordable road.”
Chief Executive of Gwent Wildlife Trust (GWT), Ian Rappel, said:
“GWT is in favour of this legal challenge because it’s absolutely essential that all environmentally sustainable options are fully considered in the face of transport issues. This is even more important when irreversible damage may occur on sensitive areas such as the Gwent Levels, which is a greatly valued landscape and complex ecosystem.
“GWT has been working alongside local communities to enhance and protect the Gwent Levels for half a century. We are determined to continue in that vein come what may.”

1. Full version of the case letter:
2. The Blue Route, devised by Professor of transport economics Stuart Cole, would deliver increased road capacity at significantly reduced cost (£380m) and with much less impact on the environment.
This route has widespread support, including from the Federation of Small Business and opposition parties. See:
3. The National Assembly for Wales Environment and Sustainability Committee’s Inquiry into Welsh Government Proposals for the M4 around Newport concluded that there are still serious unanswered questions regarding reasonable alternatives including the Blue Route


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