Spotlight on the 'Carmarthenshire Culture Weekend'

Latest news from the Oriel Myrddin Gallery in Carmarthen - 

Carmarthenshire Cultural Weekend 2 & 3 August 2014
During the opening weekend of the National Eisteddfod of Wales in Llanelli, we hope that visitors venture into the county to see what other cultural attractions Carmarthenshire has to offer...
Visit Oriel Myrddin for our Special Sunday Opening on 3 August 11am - 3pm for tea and cakes and to see our new exhibiton Farm Shop as well as work from artist Carwyn Evans and ceramic artist Lowri Davies in the gallery shop.

Oriel Myrddin Gallery
Lôn y Llan/ Church Lane, Caerfyrddin/Carmarthen SA31 1LH
01267 222775
Dydd Sadwrn /Saturday 2 Awst/August 10 – 5
Dydd Sul/Sunday 3 /AwstAugust 11am – 3pm
Arddangosfa /Exhibition: Farm Shop
Gwneuthurwr dan Sylw /Featured Maker: Lowri Davies
Cyfres y Rhes Gefn/Back Wall Series: Carwyn Evans
Bydd Oriel Myrddin yn agor ei ddrysau ddydd Sul 3ydd o Awst i groesawu Eisteddfodwyr. Ymunwch â ni am de, cacennau a chynnyrch bwyd lleol rhwng 11am a 3pm // Oriel Myrddin will be opening its doors on Sunday 3 August to welcome Eisteddfod visitors. Join us for tea, cakes and local fare served between 11 am and 3pm

Oriel King Street Gallery
33 Heol y Brenin /King Street, Caerfyrddin/ Carmarthen SA31 1BS
01267 220121
Dydd Sadwrn /Saturday 2 & Dydd Sul /Sunday 3 Awst/August 10am – 5pm
Arddangosfa /Exhibition: Arddangosfa Canol Haf /High Summer Exhibition
I ddathlu cael ein stondin gyntaf erioed yn Neuadd Arddangosfa’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol eleni, bydd cydweithfa artistiaid Oriel Heol y Brenin yn lawnsio ein Arddangosfa Canol Haf yn yr oriel ar Sadwrn 2il Awst o 2-5pm, a byddwn hefyd ar agor Sul 3ydd Awst, gyda nifer o artistiaid yr oriel yn bresennol i groesawu ymwelwyr ar y ddau ddydd.
To celebrate having our first ever stand in the Exhibition Hall at this year's National Eisteddfod, Oriel King Street Gallery artists' cooperative will be launching our High Summer Exhibition, in the gallery on Saturday 2nd August from 2-5 pm, and we will also be open on Sunday 3rd August, with a number of gallery artists present to welcome visitors on both days.

New British Art
Cilyrynys, Porthyrhyd SA32 8PX
01267 275449
Dydd Sadwrn /Saturday 2 & Dydd Sul/Sunday 3 Awst/August 10am – 6pm
Arddangosfa/Exhibition : An Excerpt from a Library of Cast Objects
Mae croeso cynnes a lluniaeth ar gael /A warm welcome and refreshments are available

Cartref Dylan Thomas Boathouse
Rhodfa Dylan /Dylan's Walk, Talacharn/Laugharne, SA33 4SD 01994 427420
Dydd Sadwrn /Saturday 2 & Dydd Sul /Sunday 3 Awst /August 10am – 5pm
Arddangosfa /Exhibition: John Uzzel Edwards: Looking Back
Bu John Uzzell Edwards yn paentio erioed a Chymru oedd ei gynfas. Roedd ei waith cynnar yn y ‘60au yn darlunio’r diffeithdra oedd yn goresgyn Merthyr Tudful a Chwm Rhymni, lle y’i ganwyd, y capeli’n adfeilion, yr adeiladau anghyfannedd a’r pyllau glo oedd yn cau’n gyfly//John Uzzell Edwards always painted, and his canvas was always Wales. His early work in the ‘60s depicted the dereliction that was overtaking Merthyr and the Rhymney Valley, where he was born, the ruined chapels, abandoned buildings and fast-closing mines

Plas Llanelly House
Plas Llanelly House, Bridge Street, Llanelli SA15 3UF
Oriau Agor (yn ystod wythnos yr Eisteddfod)
Bwyty, Siop a Chanolfan Ymwelwyr:
Gwener 1af - Mercher 6ed, 2014 10yb - 7yh
Iau 7fed - Sadwrn 9fed 2014 10yb - 9yh
Teithiau Cymraeg ar gael yn ddyddiol. i logi lle neu i gadw lle yn y bwyty, ffoniwch 01554 772857
neu siaradwch â’n cynrychiolydd yn nerbynfa’r Maes.
Ystyrir mai Plas Llanelly yw un o’r tai trefol Sioraidd eithriadol yng Nghymru.Yn dilyn cynlyn adfer o £7 miliwn, agorwyd y Plas i’r cyhoedd y mis Hydref diwethaf. Gallwch fod ymhlith y cyntaf i brofi lansiad y daith ddigidol ryngweithiol newydd. Camwch yn ôl mewn amser gan ddod wyneb yn wyneb â chyn-drigolion y Plas a phrofwch bresenoldeb iasol ysbryd y forwyn Mira Turner.
Opening Hours (during Eisteddfod week)
Restaurant, Shop and Visitor centre:
Friday 1st - Wednesday 6th August, 2014 • 10am – 7pm
Thursday 7th - Saturday 9th August, 2014 • 10am – 9pm
Welsh Tours daily. To book your place or to make a restaurant booking call 01554 772857 or see our representative at the Maes reception.
Llanelly House is one of Wales’ most outstanding Georgian town houses. Following a £7m restoration project, we opened to the public last October. Be one of the first to experience the launch of the new Interactive Digital Tour. Step back in time and come face to face with past residents and experience the chill of housemaid Mira Turners ghostly presence.
Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru/National Eisteddfod of Wales
Arddangosfa /Exhibition: Y Lle Celf
Tocynnau: 0845 4090 800 (Llun - Gwener 10.00 - 16.00)
Ticket line: 0845 4090 800 (Monday to Fridays 10.00 - 16.00)

Wright’s Food Emporium
Golden Grove Arms, Llanarthne SA32 8JU
01558 668929
Dydd Sadwrn/Saturday 9am – 10pm
Dydd Sul/Sunday 11am – 5pm
Amgueddfa Wlân Cymru /National Wool Museum
Drefach Felindre, Llandysul SA44 5UP
029 2057 3070
Dydd Sadwrn /Saturday 2 & Dydd Sul /Sunday 3 Awst/August 10am – 5pm
Arddangosfa /Exhibition: Cwmwl Du Dros y Diwydiant Gwlân /A Dark Cloud Over the Woollen Industry
Arddangosfa yn edrych ar effeithiau'r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf ar y diwydiant gwlân yng Nghymru // An exhibition looking at the effects of the First World War and its aftermath on the woollen industry in Wales
Download map from our website

Oriel Myrddin Gallery
Church LaneCarmarthen, Carmarthenshire SA31 1LH
United Kingdom


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