Llangunnor and Pontyberem residents have a big clean-up

Residents in Llangunnor and Pontyberem have cleaned out their sheds and cupboards.
Old TVs, carpets, electrical and bits of unwanted furniture were just some of the items taken along to a waste and tyre amnesty by householders.
A total of 442 tyres were also collected at both the events held at Y Talar in Llangunnor and Pontyberem Park.
The aim of the amnesties, organised by the council’s waste and recycling section and Tidy Towns, was to encourage people to recycle and to help reduce fly-tipping.
Pictured at the Y Talar amnesty is local resident Joan Willson with council staff Geraint David, Dorian Lee and Vicky Guntrip.
Executive Board Member for Technical Services Cllr Colin Evans said: “These amnesties are very popular with local residents as it gives them the chance to dispose of any unwanted waste they have in the house; and it can be particularly difficult to get rid of larger items if they have no transport. We want to try and help householders as much as we can and encourage them to recycle wherever possible.”
Tidy Towns is a Welsh Government-funded initiative delivered in partnership by Carmarthenshire County Council and Keep Wales Tidy.


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