Author Peter Griffiths ready to launch his latest novel, The Mystical Milestone

Cynheidre-born author Peter Griffiths is getting ready to launch his latest novel.
The Mystical Milestone is available to buy now, but the official launch will take place at Llangennydd Church, Gower, on Friday, March 7.
Mr Griffiths is a well-known figure on the Welsh-American scene. He currently lives in Denver, Colorado, but is a regular visitor to Wales to see family and friends and get a top-up of Welsh 'hwyl'.

Ceri Shaw of the popular AmeriCymru website interviewed Mr Griffiths about his latest book, which follows the success of the earlier Tongue Tied, which was a big success both in Wales and the USA.
Here is part of that interview - 

AmeriCymru: Care to tell us a little about your forthcoming book - "The Mystical Milestone'?
Peter: As you know, my first novel Tongue Tied was a soaring saga set against a background of Welsh issues, Welsh history, and the Welsh language.
I could have piggybacked its success...stuck to a formula, so to speak...but chose not to. My new novel, The Mystical Milestone, is completely different: plot driven and most of the action takes place over a short period of time.
It opens with a much troubled teenage girl; her glass is invariably half empty. Gradually, however, she overcomes her handicap. In her mid-20s a seemingly manageable event careers completely out of control...and she regresses.
This sets the stage for a unique plot incorporating obsession, mysticism, loyalty, and faith; what more would you want?
AmeriCymru: The book is set on the Gower. What made you choose this location?
Peter: When Yvonne and I are in Wales, Swansea is our base. Its location in itself is impressive, but to the west is a jewel: a small peninsula named Gower, blessed on its southern side with stunning bays and beautiful beaches while on its northern edge mysterious mudflats dominate. Sandwiched is the peninsula's spine, a ridge named Cefn Bryn.
I love Gower's diversity and walk there regularly; it was an obvious setting for The Mystical Milestone. As the novel evolved, however, another attribute of Gower surfaced. At its western end is a village named Llangennydd. They say its church was founded almost 1500 years ago; it strikes one as a sanctuary, sacred without doubt. Anyway, this church became central to The Mystical Milestone's plot.
AmeriCymru: What's next for Peter Griffiths?
Peter: It's funny you should ask this question. Both Tongue Tied and The Mystical Milestone evolved as novels; as I wrote they seemed to take on lives of their own. I'd be disappointed if I didn't write another novel, but I won't even dabble with one until I'm satisfied with the significance of its theme and fairly sure of the plot from beginning to end.

Peter Griffiths was born in 1942 in Cynheidre near Llanelli in Carmarthenshire.
He was educated at Five Roads Primary School, Llandovery College, and Lincoln College, Oxford.
He and his family emigrated to Denver, Colorado, in 1972, where he worked as an investment counsellor.
Over the last 20 years, he and his wife Yvonne have gravitated back to Wales. They are regular visitors for cultural events - and rugby internationals!

Mystical Milestone cover picture:
The picture on cover is the lych-gate of Llangennydd church, Gower.
The church, which is in the background, is the largest in Gower and the only one with a lych-gate. Quoting Chambers Dictionary, "lych" is a body, living or dead...obsolete... and "lych-gate" is a roofed churchyard gate to rest the bier under.
The Mystical Milestone’s official publication date is March 1, but it will be available in the UK from February 1 . . . at all bookshops, the publisher Y Lolfa, and Amazon UK.
It retails at £7.95.

Website -
Also by Peter Griffiths - Tongue Tied . . .

The full AmeriCymru interview with Peter Griffiths can be found on -


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