Top Halloween tips from Age Cymru

Age Cymru is wishing trick-or-treaters a happy Halloween for Thursday night (October 31).
We want everyone to have a fun and trouble-free night as our Safeguarding Manager, Louise Hughes, says:
“We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable Halloween on Thursday.
“But we also need to remember that not everyone wants to be involved in the celebrations.
“This is why we’ve put a list of tips together which will allow everyone to have a happy Halloween.”
Here are Age Cymru’s Top Halloween tips:
  • Parents or guardians should accompany children who are trick-or-treating;
  • Parents or guardians should call in on neighbours in advance to make sure that it will be okay to trick-or-treat them on Halloween;
  • Older people who may not want trick-or-treaters calling in on them on Halloween can put a note in their window to ask people to stay away;
  • If you are a trick-or-treater, please stay away from any houses that have got a note in the window asking you not to knock on their door;
  • Be community-minded and keep and eye out for your older family members, friends and neighbours this Halloween.
Age Cymru:
· Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales
· We are the force combining Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales.
· Age affects us all in different ways. We cannot promise good health, but we should be able to ensure good care for all of us. When we find loneliness, we will reach out. When age becomes a burden, we will lighten the load.
· Age Cymru will campaign. We will fundraise. We will research. We will make the powers that be listen.
· Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436.
· Company limited by guarantee and registered by in England and Wales 6837284.
· Registered office address: Tŷ John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff, CF24 5PJ.
· Age Cymru works nationally and locally across Wales to improve life for all older people.

Hold a 'Winter Warmer' for Age Cymru! As part of our 'Spread the Warmth' campaign we’re asking people across Wales to hold a ‘Winter Warmer’ and raise funds. Register today for your fundraising pack by emailing us -


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