South Pembrokeshire Minor Injury Unit to close

South Pembrokeshire’s Minor Injury Unit will be closed from November 4 and specialist staff redeployed to help the busy accident and emergency department at Withybush Hospital.
Hywel Dda Health Board’s Implementation Board, which is responsible for the oversight, monitoring, assurance and approval of service changes associated with the Your Health Your Future public consultation decisions, agreed to move forward with its decision to enhance access to community-based primary care services for people living in South Pembrokeshire.
GP practices across Pembrokeshire provide a range of enhanced primary care services for people living in Pembrokeshire.
The Unit has a low number of attendances throughout the year, and the redeployment of three experienced nurse practitioners to support the Accident and Emergency Department service at Withybush Hospital for the benefit of urgent patients from across Pembrokeshire.
Withybush Hospital Director and Associate Medical Director for Quality and Safety at Hywel Dda Health Board, Dr Iain Robertson-Steel said: “Having specialist nursing staff at South Pembrokeshire Hospital does not make best use of our highly skilled nurse practitioners. By making these changes, we can make better use of a scarce resource.”
GPs across the south of the county will continue to provide a local enhanced primary care service for registered patients. Those with minor injuries will be dealt with in a timely and appropriate way but the services will not be a ‘walk-in’ service, and under normal circumstances patients should telephone first.
Community pharmacies can also provide additional services for minor ailments and self care.
On average 3,500 people attend the MIU in South Pembrokeshire a year, 80 per cent of which are registered with local GPs.
Dr Robertson-Steel said: “It is clear that the majority of these people who attend the unit only do so for very minor injuries or illnesses which can be dealt with by self care or through primary healthcare such as their GP or local pharmacy.
“The Choose Well campaign helps you decide if you need medical attention and what service is right for you if you get sick and will mean that you and your family will get the best treatment.
“As part of the campaign leaflets, with a free fridge magnet inside, are being distributed to households and there is also a free app which details local services.
“By Choosing Well you will also allow busy NHS services to help the people who need them most and your help with this will save lives.”
Hywel Dda Community Health Council has participated in the Implementation Board and the changes will be monitored and the impact assessed.
For more information on Choose Well or to download the app go to


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