Pylons to be avoided for part of mid Wales national grid route

National Grid has announced that eight miles of the electricity cabling needed in mid Wales to bring power from wind farms will be placed underground [1].
Friends of the Earth Cymru’s 2011 consultation response [2] pointed out that the entire 33 mile route could be placed underground at a cost similar to overhead pylons - if National Grid used a more sensible approach.
Gareth Clubb, Director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, said:
“National Grid has clearly listened to our views on grid connections to wind farms in mid Wales. But while this is a step in the right direction, we’re disappointed that our workable method allowing the entire route to be placed underground at similar cost to pylons has not been fully accepted.
“If National Grid had a sensible approach to carrying energy from these wind turbines, then perhaps more people in local communities would recognise the benefits of wind energy and get behind the schemes.
“Renewable energy projects are need needed throughout the country to provide clean, green power, and mid Wales wind will play an essential part.”

1. National Grid mid Wales connection project
2. Friends of the Earth Cymru report on connecting mid Wales wind farms to the electricity grid


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