No benefits from Severn Barrage, says UK Government

A UK Government report [1] condemns the Hafren Power business consortium’s claims for a Severn barrage as lacking any credible evidence.
Gareth Clubb, Director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, said:
“This barrage dinosaur needs to be finally laid to rest, to make way for new technologies that can actually start harnessing the massive tidal power of the Severn.
“For years, it’s been clear that the environmental and economic problems of a large-scale Severn barrage are virtually impossible to overcome - and there are far better schemes that deserve committed government support.
“The UK and Welsh Governments should now get behind smaller scale projects capable of delivering clean, green energy from the Severn. We have the potential for a world-leading industry, which could be based right here in south Wales”.

1. The EEC’s report:


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