New traffic flow for new renal unit at Withybush Hospital

A new traffic flow system is now in place at Withybush Hospital in Haverfordwest to make way for the £7.5million state-of-the-art Renal Dialysis unit.
Work on this new facility has recently commenced and will be open to patients by February 2014.
As part of the preparation for the construction of the renal development, temporary changes to patient and staff car parking are required to be undertaken.
The main entry and parking for patients and visitors to the hospital site is via the Fishguard Road using the front car parks. Patients and visitors can no longer access the site from the roundabout entrance.
Exit from the front car parks can be either via the main site entry point (as is currently the case) or alternatively via the link road between the two car parks, which has changed to a one way flow. Attendants will be on hand to help manage these changes in the initial implementation stages.
Signage is clearly displayed on the roads approaching the site and in the hospital grounds to inform road users.
Some of these parking arrangements will be of a temporary nature until the building and car parking works have been fully implemented. Details of the final car parking and traffic flow arrangements will be publicised prior to the point of completion.
As a result of the development there will be increased parking provision for patients and visitors, staff and disabled people together with improving the general entry and exit of the hospital site.
Once built, it is anticipated that local buses will be able to drop off / pick up passengers directly at the front entrance of the hospital as opposed to the point on the site boundary on the main Fishguard road.
Sonia Hay, Modernisation Manager, said: “The Renal development will make such a difference to patients in Pembrokeshire and the new parking arrangements and traffic flow much simpler and safer.” 


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