Carmarthen bowling centre plans gather pace

Plans to deliver a 10-pin bowling alley and other community facilities in Carmarthen are gathering pace.
On target to open next summer, the Towy Community Church Xcel project at Johnstown will deliver a 12-lane 10-pin bowling alley and family play area.
Included in the first phase of the scheme in the rapidly transforming former St Ivel’s factory is a food bank and furniture recycling project.
The community church has attracted significant funding through fundraising, securing grants and a commercial mortgage and loan from Carmarthenshire County Council to cover the first phase of this major regeneration scheme.
Checking on the progress of the project, county leader Cllr Kevin Madge said: “With all the bleak news of threats on leisure centres and leisure services generally in these financially constrained times, it is wonderful to see an exciting project like this being delivered that is going to be so popular with families and young people.
“I can see Johnstown is going to be a Mecca for youngsters with its 10-pin attraction that will open in July next year.
“What is wonderful about this locally driven project is that as well as providing families somewhere to go there is a background of a great community service, too. There is a massive food bank and separate furniture recycling centre that is going to serve the less fortunate and vulnerable in our county very well.
“I am very proud of the council’s partnership working with Towy Community Church to deliver such a valuable and multi-functional project.
“Having walked around and trodden where bowling balls will thunder along has brought home to me the scale and potential of this magnificent project. It is something the whole county will be proud of.”
Phase one of Project Xcel will create around 17 jobs and regenerate approximately half of this longstanding, wasted vacant property into a modern and sustainable business and community venture.
Phase two is proposed to be delivered in future years and is not linked to the implementation of this phase. The subsequent phase is proposed for the other half of the building and is to incorporate a 600-seat auditorium, a conference and meeting venue, debt counselling centre, café/restaurant, catering training, luncheon club provision and office accommodation.
The contractors, Cotton Ltd, are on site and work is underway and they are currently ahead of schedule to develop the site.


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