In the news today . . .

The Latest News page on the Cor Meibion @corllanelli Llanelli website has just been updated -
Memo to self: When trying to reduce blood pressure, probably best not to stick Limp Bizkit's I Am Angry on playlist . . . raw meat for T!
Memo to Dog Walkers at MCP. If your big ugly hound looks like it is about to harass a fellow DW, then put the brute on the lead. Simples!
Hats off to the paragliders at Llanelli Beach at the MCP. Probably about the only sport that thrives in the current mini-hurricane!
Check out the Resource Centre on the Clay Shaw Butler@clayshawbutler website. Work out your tax and mortgage etc-
The team at Celtic Couriers send their very best wishes to Ryan Topping and his bride-to-be Susan McMinn for their wedding next Saturday.
The news page for the Jenkins Bakery @JenkinsBakery website has just been updated - …
Grrrr! Card reader has died so cannot get my internet banking working. £8 for new batteries! Do you think the bank will pay me back? :(


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