New community allotments open in Llannon

Llannon’s community allotments have been officially opened by the Chair of Carmarthenshire County Council – and there is already a waiting list for the second phase.
New council Chair Cllr Siân Thomas cut the ribbon to open the allotments site close to Llannon Primary School.
Gardeners have already signed up for all 22 allotments in the current phase of the project run by Dan Snaith, a local resident and Carmarthenshire project officer for Keep Wales Tidy.
The committee set up to organise the allotments applied for a lease from Carmarthenshire Council, for 21 years, and were also successful in their application for a £5,000 grant from the Big Lottery Fund. Llannon Community Council also donated £500 toward the project, to cover legal costs.
Dan’s father Phil Snaith, who is allotments secretary, said: “From the idea to actual digging on site took 13 months thanks to support and assistance from the council’s Asset Management section in particular.
“At a key stage the Community Council offered a financial award to overcome legal costs for the lease and following this the Big Lottery Awards for All made the whole development of the 1.5 acre field possible with a £5,000 grant.
“The community now has an environmental asset for community growing and potential sharing of a community orchard with the school in the coming years. Making it possible to grow cheap, fresh fruit and veg together with it being a ‘green gym’, the scheme has also become a valuable addition to Llannon's village life.”
County executive board member for rural affairs Cllr Pam Palmer said: “We are delighted to be supporting this venture where so many families have come together to grow their own vegetables and exercise in and enthusiastic and environmentally friendly way.
“What greater satisfaction could a family get than acquiring a plot, growing their own vegetables at a fraction of the price of purchase and an altogether better taste.”


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