Meet Brechfa - the village fighting back against school, pub and chapel closures

Meet Brechfa - the village fighting back against school, pub and chapel closures - Need to Read - News - WalesOnline
Meet Brechfa - the village fighting back against school, pub and chapel closures.
How can a Welsh village survive the closure of its chapel, school and pub? Brechfa in Carmarthenshire is fighting back, as Sion Morgan reports.
The traditions of our Welsh villages have long been under attack, driven by an influx of city-based home buyers, the closure of pubs, post offices and schools – and all the while crumbling churches and chapels suffer dwindling congregations.
Brechfa, population 300, a settlement that has existed in the Cothi Valley in Carmarthenshire since the 6th century, is one such example, described by residents there as “a shadow of its former self”.
Now those living in the west Wales hamlet are working together to rediscover a sense of community left behind by an ever-evolving society.


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