Work starts on facelift for Llanelli car park

Work on giving Llanelli’s Murray Street Multi Storey car park a makeover worth £1.75 million has started.
The work will be carried out in seven phases over a year to limit as much as possible the loss of parking spaces as each of the seven levels is refurbished.
In the first phase next week there will be the immediate loss of 135 spaces of the 527 in the car park as level six and seven are the first to be tackled.
This is not thought to cause any problems because electronic occupancy registering shows that the multi storey car park is infrequently more than half full other than during the Christmas season.
There will be a reducing impact as each of the remaining levels is tackled with the loss of between 94 and 41 spaces.
The works include the partial covering of the structure with eye mesh cladding, new lifts, new lighting, bay and lane markings, concrete repairs and treatment to the entrances to the St Elli Centre.
The works will give the 40-year-old car park an extended life of 25 years.
The car park is currently free from 10 am for four hours each day.


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