Business planning workshop planned for Aberystwyth

West Wales businesses owners are invited to a workshop on “Business Planning in the Current Economic Climate” at Aberystwyth University.
The workshop, which takes place in the MedRus Conference Centre, Aberystwyth University at 10:30am on Tuesday, 20th March, 2012 will be provided by Peter Cameron Business Consulting based in Machynlleth.
“In the current period of extreme economic uncertainty, as some businesses fail, there is clearly an opportunity for other to survive, thrive and ultimately emerge form the recession stronger than ever” said Peter Cameron, experienced business and management consultant and an Investors in People advisor.
The event is organised by the Sustainable Learning Networks Ireland and Wales (SLNIW), an exciting and innovative INTERREG 4A funded project being undertaken by the School of Management and Business, Aberystwyth University, Wales in partnership with CEDRE, Waterford Institute of Technology.
The SLNIW project, which has established 3 business networks of West Wales entrepreneurs, has been awarded a six month extension until end June 2012.
“This project extension allows us to provide additional training and support to local businesses,” said Nerys Fuller-Love, Project Director Wales and Lecturer, School of Management and Business Aberystwyth University. “In February, we held a successful session on ‘Effective HR for Small Businesses’ and have a ‘Customer Relationship Management’ workshop scheduled for April. In addition, SLNIW business network members will travel to Ireland to network with Irish business owners on a cross-border visit in May.”
Business owners interested in attending the training workshop and joining the SLNIW business networks should contact Anne Howells, Project Co-ordinator Wales, at or 01970 622506.
Picture caption:
BBC Business doctor Paul Thomas(Centre) and the SLNIW Network members during a field trip in July 2011.
Aberystwyth University
Established in 1872, Aberystwyth ( is a leading teaching and research university and was awarded a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education in 2009. The 2011 National Student Survey placed Aberystwyth in joint 4th for student satisfaction in the UK amongst public residential universities and first in Wales. Aberystwyth University is a registered charity. No 1145141.
SLNIW (Sustainable Learning Networks in Ireland and Wales)
SLNIW ( is an exciting business project that is supporting over 100 businesses from South East Ireland and West Wales to learn, share knowledge, and develop and grow their businesses through networking.
The Ireland Wales Territorial Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 (INTERREG 4A, aims to further develop Irish Welsh co-operation in the areas of employment, innovation, climate change and sustainable development. It follows on from the Ireland Wales INTERREG IIIA Programme, which ran from 2000 to 2006 and covered themes of business and rural development, training, ICT, marine environment, culture, heritage and tourism.
INTERREG means ‘Inter-regional’ and denotes the building of links between EU regions.
The Current Programme is managed in Ireland by the Southern and Eastern Regional Assembly. It does this on behalf of the Irish Government and the Welsh Government
The Welsh European Funding Office was the lead authority of the former Ireland Wales Programme 2000-2006.


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