Older People Day celebrated in Newcastle Emlyn

Newcastle Emlyn’s new day club has thrown open its doors in celebration of International Older People Day.
The event was the ideal opportunity for volunteers and members of the club to showcase what the centre can offer older people in the community.
As part of the day, there were Nordic Walking and computer taster sessions, as well as a hot freshly-cooked lunch.
The club is one of the latest to be launched by the independent sector since Carmarthenshire County Council handed over control of the clubs so that they could be developed.
The Newcastle Emlyn club, which is situated near to the Maes Llewellyn Care Home, Church Lane, is run by Age Concerns Ceredigion and Sir Gâr.
Launched only recently, it is already thriving, and has a membership of over 20 older people with 12 volunteers.
They meet every Tuesday and Thursday to enjoy a hot meal, entertainment, taster sessions and even a nail cutting clinic.
Gwyneth Jones, of Age Concern Ceredigion, said: “It was an extremely fun day with lots of people taking part in taster sessions. The volunteers were marvelous in coordinating various stalls and fundraising activities – including the bottle stall with the WI and a cake stall with Croeso Care. Volunteers also organised a raffle and made teas and coffees.
“The Stroke Association did blood pressure checks, the Pension Service had an information stand, and Dr Gareth Morgan, gave information on the National Service Framework and dignity programmes.
“All in all, over £440 was raised on the day.”
Carmarthenshire County Council has assisted the start-up of the club as part of its commitment to supporting independent organisations who wanted to establish new services in new areas or take over services previously run by the council.
In the hands of an independent provider, the clubs are no longer restricted by eligibility criteria, meaning older people from Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire can enjoy day and luncheon clubs than were able to before.
For further information about joining the Teifi Valley Club, call Carol Williams 01545 570055 or for appointments to discuss information, advice and benefits, contact Bethan Davies on 01554 784080.


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