Blue-green algae at Sandy Water Park

Llanelli Millennium Coastal Park rangers have detected blue-green algae at Sandy Water Park.
It is thought to have been caused by unseasonably hot weather which can encourage algal growth and may be contributed to by pollution from nearby houses.
Carmarthenshire County Council is warning members of the public to avoid coming into contact with water there. There are permanent signs in place warning of the possibility of algal contamination.
The last such pollution was in the summer of 2006. Health officers and rangers have erected an additional temporary signs around the lake to warn of the dangers.
The lake is not used for recreational sports but dogs are frequently allowed by dog walkers to retrieve toys and sticks thrown into the lake. Any pets swimming at the lake could be at risk.
Environment Agency Wales confirmed the algal presence testing on Tuesday and will continue to monitor the situation until the all clear is give.
The bloom is likely to be a temporary hazard because the alga is broken down by fluctuating temperatures, winds and rain.
Environment Agency Wales will continue to monitor the situation and review the sample results obtained. The all clear will be given when two consecutive negative tests are recorded.
None of the other nine MCP lakes have been affected between Bynea and Burry Port nor the body of water at Llanelli’s North Dock.
The build up of blue green algae at is a natural occurrence which happens from time to time during warm conditions. It can be exacerbated by nutrients from chemicals in domestic appliance waste like washing machines and dishwashers. Households from Sandy Water Park, where there are more than 200 homes lakeside were being visited to see if any such appliances were tapped into rain water drainage which feeds into the lake.
The blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) occur naturally in inland waters, estuaries and seas and cannot be removed or treated.
Public Health Wales advises the algae can produce toxins which can cause skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, fever and headache if swallowed.
Sandy Water Park visitors are advised to take the following precautions: not to swim in the water; not to swallow the water; to avoid contact with the algae; not to eat fish caught in the water; not to allow pets or livestock to come into contact with the water and to observe and abide by notices positioned around the lakes.
If you have any health concerns, please contact your GP or NHS Direct Wales on 0845 4647.
* To report any further signs of blue green algae call Environment Agency Wales' 24 hour hotline on 0800 807060.


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