Driving challenge event in Carmarthen

Residents in Carmarthenshire are being invited to take the smarter driver challenge which could help them save money on their fuel as well as benefit the environment.
The council’s sustainability section has booked the Energy Saving Trust’s eco driving simulator for members of the public to try on Thursday, November 3 in St Peter’s Hall in Nott Square, Carmarthen, between 12.30pm and 2pm.
There will also be a display of electric vehicles and information on a range of sustainability issues including green energy, waste and transport.
Carmarthenshire’s Sustainability Champion Cllr Pam Palmer said: “Much work is underway in the county to reduce our carbon footprint and reduce climate change and it is important we all think about what we can do to help.
“I hope residents will come along to the event and take the smarter driving challenge which could also help them to save money.”
People are being urged to make better use of public transport, cycling or walking which can make a big difference to the climate and their wallet.
Adopting smarter driving techniques can reduce fuel consumption and wear and tear on the car and drivers who make small changes to their habits could see savings of 15% to their petrol bills, with an average saving of up to £250 each year.
Cllr Palmer added: “Our officers are working hard to educate people about how the decisions they make are having an impact on the world. Recycling, using transport wisely, shopping ethically and thinking about the use of energy, could all help to preserve the planet for future generations.”


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