Carmarthenshire residents urged to save the planet!

Carmarthenshire residents are being urged to trail-blaze lifestyle changes that will help the planet.
The Council’s Sustainability champions are calling on people to embrace environmental issues in their day-to-day lives.
They are leading a call for residents to go green and change their habits in favour of a more sustainable world.
Recycling, using transport wisely, shopping ethically and thinking about the use of energy, could all help to preserve the planet for future generations.
The move comes after a new carrier bag charge was introduced in Wales.
The Welsh Assembly Government has introduced a 5p charge for every single use carrier bag in a bid to drastically reduce the number of bags that are thrown away each year.
Carmarthenshire County Council is leading the way in sustainable development and staff are working to educate people about how the decisions they make are having an impact on the world.
Officers say that everyone could make simple changes that would have a big impact on the environment.
These include what we buy, how we travel, the food we eat and our use of energy and water.
Sustainability Adviser Eurgain Powell said: “Here in Carmarthenshire we are actively promoting the importance of sustainable living.
“The responsibility for changing to a more sustainable lifestyle rests with everyone and we all need to consider ways of reducing our impact on the planet.
“Changing to reusable shopping bags is just one small change that people can make that will make a difference.
“Each plastic bag can take up to 1,000 years to decompose, and may never breakdown in landfill. We simply cannot continue wasting our valuable resources in this way.
“We want people to think about how they can make simple changes to help the environment and we are here to help give advice and information.”
Carmarthenshire’s Sustainability Champion cllr Pam Palmer said: “We need to respect the ability of future generations to meet their needs and every one of us can help to make a difference by following some lifestyle changes.
“Our officers are working hard to educate and inform residents and I commend them on all the proactive work that is underway in the county.”
For further information on the carrier bag charge visit
To find out more about how you can help the environment visit the council’s sustainable development pages at


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