Carmarthenshire spotlight on EU funding

A very successful information session on EU funding for youth activities has been held in Carmarthen.
Thirty representatives from a wide range of organisations in Carmarthenshire attended the free event organised by Lorena Prist, based in the West Wales European Centre, and who is responsible for the Europe Direct EU information service in Carmarthenshire.
The organisations included Marros Riding Centre, Dr Mz Carmarthen youth project, Carmarthenshire Karate club, Youth Opera, Iechyd Da -Carmarthenshire youth health team, the YFC and the Urdd.
The session was aimed at groups and organisations working with young people aged between 13-30 years old outside school and who wanted to know more about the funding and support available to organise and participate in EU exchanges and small projects in a wide range of themes, from art, theatre, culture and health to sport and outdoor activities.
Andy Bevan, from ICP Partneriaeth, a Wales-wide organisation promoting EU volunteering opportunities for young people in Wales talked about the benefits of an EU experience and how it can turn young people’s life around.
Roger Wilson and Cerys Thomas, Carmarthenshire County Council youth officers delivered presentations on their experience and the projects they have organised throughout the years. A DVD made by the young people themselves on what they learnt from the EU project and how they benefited from it, was also shown.
Finally, a questions and answers session gave the audience the opportunity to enquire about the practical side of EU youth exchanges and the daily management of EU projects and partnerships.
Lorena Prist said: “It was fantastic to see such a range of organisations and individuals interested in learning more about the opportunities available for young people to take part in EU exchanges and projects, and how these exchanges can make a real difference to the young people’s lives.
“The opportunities are there and it is important for everybody to know about them and to make the most of them.”
For more information on EU grants for youth activities, please contact Lorena Prist, at the West Wales European Centre on 01267242369 or at


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