Sustainable Wales 'brain-stormer' in Carmarthen

A groundbreaking 24- hour brain-stormer is being held in Carmarthen to create a vision for a sustainable Wales.
The country’s first day long sustainability and innovation event will be staged in the town this week.
Leaders from the worlds of business, government, communities and education will join forces to design a plan for a sustainable future.
Organisers hope it will lead to a new way of thinking about ways to help the environment and reduce our impact on the planet.
The pioneering Project Twenty4 event will be held on Friday at the University of Wales Trinity St David.
It will run from 9am until 9am on the following day and participants will work through the night to thrash out a new sustainability vision for the nation.
Carmarthenshire County Council, which is leading the way in sustainable development, is supporting the event.
Assembly Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing Jane Davidson is also attending.
It will kick off with a schools and business innovation forum, followed by a lunch with business leaders.
A four hour sustainability and innovation masterclass will be held, followed by a workshop and fashion show.
From 9pm-6am work will be underway to create a plan for the future by poets, musicians, writers, artists, sculptors and film makers.
Carmarthenshire’s Sustainability Adviser Eurgain Powell said: “This will be Wales’ first 24 hour sustainability event and is aimed at discussing and designing a new way of thinking that ensures resilience in a changing world.
“We are delighted that it is being staged in Carmarthenshire, a county where we are actively promoting the importance of sustainable living.”
The event comes as council officers are working to educate people about how the decisions they make are having an impact on the world.
These include what we buy, how we travel, the food we eat and our use of energy and water.
Carmarthenshire’s Sustainability Champion cllr Pam Palmer said: “The responsibility for changing to a more sustainable lifestyle rests with everyone and we all need to consider ways of reducing our impact on the planet.
“We need to respect the ability of future generations to meet their needs and every one of us can help to make a difference by following some lifestyle changes.
“The Project Twenty4 event promises to be rewarding and educational, and the results will bring benefits to everyone.”


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