Carmarthen girls take up cheerleading!

While traditional sports like football, athletics and netball continue to see high participation stats, the battle for girls’ interest continues at a pace.
But with changing social trends comes the opportunity for sport and physical activity that appeals to youngsters across the board.
At Carmarthen’s Queen Elizabeth (QE) High School, a popular pastime from across the pond is proving a winner with the pupils.
After a request from the pupils themselves, a cheerleading club has been established by the school’s 5x60 officer.
Once a week, up to 40 girls join together for a lunchtime coaching session in the activity that has been a staple part of school life in the USA for generations.
With 5x60 put in place by Sport Wales to encourage secondary school pupils to do sport and physical activity during break, lunchtime and after school, many activities away from the traditional sports are capturing the imagination of those who wouldn’t have taken part.
Cheerleading instructor Helen McLoughlin, from Arts Care Gofal Celf, is seeing the enthusiasm for these types of activities in her work across South Wales. She said:
“At the moment things like dance, cheerleading, zumba are all proving successful in getting more girls involved in physical activity.
“I see particularly with girls in years nine and 10 who don’t want to be doing some of the traditional sports, it’s a way of keeping them involved and interested.
“At the end of the day it’s popular culture. They see programmes like Glee on the TV and want to copy it.
“But it is hard physical exercise so it’s all good. With cheerleading, it’s good for social bonding as well because you’ve got to trust the person catching you in a jump or holding you in a lift. Pupils who wouldn’t ordinarily mix in school are working as a team.”
Year 11 pupil Amy Nell, from Carmarthen, is certainly an advocate of the sessions. In a break at their latest leisure centre session, she commented:
“It’s different to any other 5x60 sport we do and I really enjoy it. It’s quite a bit of exercise – really hard but builds up your strength.
“I’ve also made some new friends and everyone mixes in.”
After just a couple of months together, the group has been invited to perform on the Parc Y Scarlets pitch before a Scarlets Magners League game in March.
“I can’t wait,” smiled Amy.
Pupils are encouraged to get active and involved in a range of sports and physical activity in school through their 5x60 sessions – a Sport Wales initiative, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and run locally by Carmarthenshire Council’s Sport Development Unit.
Hywel Thomas is the 5x60 officer for QE High. He explained:
“It all came from asking them what they wanted to do. Rather than just putting sessions on the pupils were given the choice.
“It was a popular suggestion so I arranged to get a cheerleading instructor to come in and run a demo and everyone really enjoyed.
“Now it’s one of the most popular 5x60 clubs in the school along with football. We’re doing Zumba now as well and that’s proving popular.
“We hope that enjoyment of the activities will keep the girls interested and enthused to take part outside of school.”
County executive board member for leisure services Cllr Clive Scourfield said:
“It is tremendous to see so many getting involved helping to improve team building skills and fitness. I look forward to seeing the girls perform at Parc y Scarlets.”

5x60 Cheerleaders at Carmarthen Leisure Centre are pupils from QE High with instructor Helen McLoughlin. Pic Jeff Connell


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