Clay Shaw Butler boss welcomes initiative

Leading West Wales chartered accountants and business consultants Clay Shaw Butler have welcomed the start of Global Entrepreneurship Week – a campaign which puts the focus on job creation.
“The slogan, ‘It’s time to make a job, not take a job’, should make us all sit up and think,” said Clay Shaw Butler director David Butler.
“It is in hard economic times such as now that our fighting spirit and entrepreneurial flair needs to come to the fore.
“It’s a time when we can all help each other – and one of the ways of doing that is by being innovative and helping to launch the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.”
Mr Butler said he was hugely encouraged by the entrepreneurial spirit in West Wales and Wales as a whole.
He said more needed to be done to get young people to focus on the reality – “If jobs are not readily available, then young people need to have the courage to take their ideas into the world of business and make them work,” he said.
“For that to work, it is crucial for the Government to give young businesspeople the fullest support. It is also crucial that they get excellent support and much-needed advice from firms such as ourselves in the private sector.”
Global Entrepreneurship Week is being backed by Enterprise UK.
New research commissioned to mark the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week finds that entrepreneurship in the UK suffers from:
• AN AMBITION GAP - Over 50% of the population want to start a business but only 5.8% are in the actual process of starting a business. To put this into global context, the rate of those starting a business in the US is 8 percent, Brazil 15 percent and in China 19 percent.
• A DEMOGRAPHIC GAP - An increase in self-employment rates of just 1% (fewer than 300,000 entrepreneurs), would boost the UK’s GDP by around 1.5% and add approximately £22bn to the UK economy.
• A SKILLS GAP - Enterprise education doubles your chances of business success but despite the fact four million learners are going through further education each year, and many more through schools and colleges – enterprise is still not a staple of the education system.
Additional research commissioned found that entrepreneurs are ready to find solutions to these challenges. A YouGov poll of 1,046 entrepreneurs across the UK shows that they believe that a new entrepreneurial culture will lead the nation’s economic recovery.
TV Dragon Peter Jones, Chairman of Enterprise UK said: “It is no good encouraging people to start a business when they have no idea about how to go about it. To make the UK the leading entrepreneurial nation we need to back our entrepreneurs by investing in enterprise education and by celebrating the role that entrepreneurs play in creating a dynamic and growing economy.”
The Prime Minister, David Cameron, said: “Global Entrepreneurship Week is a fantastic opportunity for us to inspire the innovators and entrepreneurs in our country.
“The future of our economy depends on a new generation of entrepreneurs coming up with ideas, resolving to make them a reality and having the vision to create wealth and jobs. But to make it happen we need a culture change in Britain – an injection of self-belief and dynamism to convince those who are dreaming about making it big to get out there and do it.
“That’s why the government is doing everything possible to encourage entrepreneurs who are starting out – from simplifying taxes to providing access to mentors – and that’s why I wish Global Entrepreneurship Week every success.”
You can contact Clay Shaw Butler on 01267 228 500. Address 24 Lammas Street, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA31 3AL
The Claw Shaw Butler website is at -


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