Ammanford trader sold dangerous cars

A former Ammanford motor trader has pleaded guilty at Carmarthen Crown Court to selling dangerous cars.
John Cecil Albert Holton traded as Cymru Trade Auction Centre in Ammanford.
He pleaded guilty to offences under the General Products Safety Regulations 2005 - Section 8, of supplying a Mazda 323 and a Mitsubishi Space Cruiser in a dangerous condition and three offences of exposing unsafe and dangerous vehicles for sale.
The prosecution was brought after Carmarthenshire County Council Trading Standards Service officers visited Cymru Trade Auction Centre and later received complaints from customers.
The defects on the Mitsubishi Space Wagon was the most serious with our engineer commenting that it was the worst he had seen in the 35 years he had been an examiner.
The court heard that 67-year-old Holton, who now lives in St Leonards, Dorset, had serious health problems, no assets and could not afford to pay a fine or costs.
Holton was sentenced to a 12 month Community Order with a curfew requirement from 8pm to 7am for 60 days and also a prohibition upon acting as a car trader for a period of 12 months.
Trading Standards Services manager Roger Edmunds said: “John Holton's disregard for the safety of consumers has been suitably addressed by the court in this case.
“The council will not tolerate car traders that sell unsafe motor vehicles and it will continue with its proactive policy of taking action against those that break the law.”
Executive board member for public protection Cllr Pam Palmer said: “Carmarthenshire County Council has a strict policy in terms of our enforcement of the quality of second hand vehicles being offered for sale.
“The potential consequences for any user of an unsafe vehicle could be fatal.
“I hope that the outcome of this case will serve as a warning to all concerned that we will not hesitate to act where the potential safety of consumers is endangered.”


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