Llandovery gift shop to get facelift

A Llandovery gift shop is being given a facelift thanks to a grant from Carmarthenshire County Council.
The Black Lion Giftshop in Stone Street has been given a Village Improvement Grant (VIG) of £12,387 towards the estimated £24,774 cost of renovating the shopfront.
The work will include a new door and sash windows, sign, weatherboards and guttering and repainting the building.
This grant has been made under the Village Enhancement Project, which has received funding of £940,049 through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007 – 2013, which is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Agricultural fund for Rural Development. The Project aims to enhance the appearance of rural towns and villages and stimulate economic growth. The VIG itself is aimed to enhance the branding of commercial properties in rural areas.
Project Development Officer Michael Morgan said: “The Black Lion Giftshop is in a prominent position in the heart of Llandovery. The owner is keen to restore the traditional look of the building in line with the surrounding buildings.”
Giftshop owner Helen Greenslade said: “The Village Improvement Grant is very helpful. I want to improve the shopfront to draw in more customers from away and from the local area. We are all trying to work together to give the town a boost.”
Executive board member for regeneration and leisure Cllr Clive Scourfield said: “I’m pleased to see a Llandovery businesswoman taking advantage of a Village Improvement Grant to renovate the facade of her building.
“The work will retain the traditional façade that people associate with the Black Lion Giftshop and that fits in so well with the street scene in Stone Street.”
The Village Improvement Grant is open to sole traders, partnerships, private companies and community businesses that are based, or wish to be based, in Carmarthenshire’s rural villages and towns.
Priority is given to applications that work in partnership with neighbouring properties to develop envelope schemes in order that the scheme has a bigger environmental impact.
Applicants demonstrating a need for support can secure up to 50 per cent of the eligible project cost, up to a maximum grant of £15,000.
For further information on the Village Improvement Grant contact Project Development Officer Michael Morgan (01267) 242335.

Village Improvement Grant for the Black Lion Giftshop in Llandovery.
Gift shop owner Helen Greenslade celebrates her Village Improvement Grant with executive board member for regeneration and leisure Cllr Clive Scourfield (right) and council project development officer Michael Morgan.
Pic Jeff Connell


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