Dryslwyn action group wins praise

A village action group which launched its own shop and Post Office has been applauded for breathing new life into the community.
Two years ago residents in Dryslwyn joined forces to save the closure threatened Post Office.
Now just 12 months later, the Dryslwyn Community Shop has generated a turnover of £99,197 with £1,000 distributed back into the community.
The shop was awarded a grant of £19,277 from the Sustainable Communities Improving Access to Services project. The money was used to upgrade and equip the premises.
The project receives grant assistance from the Rural Development Plan for Wales, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The aim of the Rural Development Plan programme is to strengthen the identity of communities, increase access to services, provide improved leisure and cultural facilities and support businesses to create new jobs.
Chief Executive Mark James said: "The Dryslwyn Community Shop is a fantastic example of what can be achieved.”
Dryslwyn Shop is always looking for more volunteers, so if you are interested go to the shop's website at www.dryslwyn.org.uk.


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